Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sick Cookery

And no, by Sick Cookery I don't mean "Awesome Cookery", I mean "Bleh let's feel like there's a porcupine in our throat (so not vegan) and wile the hours away on the couch/in the kitchen Cookery", but I figured that one was a bit too long.

No recipes today (sorry folks), but if I'm up to testing one of my in-the-works recipes today, I might post it later. Until then, you can gaze at what I've been cooking for the past few days while I try to come up with excuses for watching The View for the second day in a row.

This is from the first day I was sick (Tuesday) - I actually made it to school, and then got killed when I got home. I watched 8 Simple Rules and Scrubs for most of the night (I was so out of it that 8 Simple Fucking Rules made me cry--and I don't cry for fictional things!), but before I'd progressed to that stage, I made this:

Joanna's Baked Mac and Cheese, from Yellow Rose Recipes. I, like the rest of you cheese-deprived vegans, have made countless faux mac 'n cheezes, but this is hands down THE best one yet. Try it if you haven't already!

The next morning I felt like my head took a vacation underneath a garbage truck, but for the brief half hour I could stand, I made myself these:

Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes, recipe courtesy of Veghead. Of course, I felt like throwing them up after I ate them, but they were totally worth it.

And this isn't from my sick days (we're on day three, for those of you counting), but it deserves to be posted - V'con Southwestern Corn Pudding and YRR Cajun 'fu.

The Corn Pudding was divine, and I'm trying to come up with a soup similar to it, but I have a feeling the 'fu would've been a bit improved had I followed the directions and added one tablespoon of Cajun spice, rather than the entire container (about 1/2 a cup). Yep, my bad.

Have fun feeling alive, people. Now shut up and let me watch the rest of The View (stop hatin'!).

Jillian Renee


Vegan_Noodle said...

Hope you feel better... those pancakes would do it for me! I need to try joanna's version of mac and cheese. i've hada a craving lately...

The Little Kahuna said...

Those pancakes look incredible.

Feel better soon!