No recipes today (sorry folks), but if I'm up to testing one of my in-the-works recipes today, I might post it later. Until then, you can gaze at what I've been cooking for the past few days while I try to come up with excuses for watching The View for the second day in a row.
This is from the first day I was sick (Tuesday) - I actually made it to school, and then got killed when I got home. I watched 8 Simple Rules and Scrubs for most of the night (I was so out of it that 8 Simple Fucking Rules made me cry--and I don't cry for fictional things!), but before I'd progressed to that stage, I made this:
The next morning I felt like my head took a vacation underneath a garbage truck, but for the brief half hour I could stand, I made myself these:
And this isn't from my sick days (we're on day three, for those of you counting), but it deserves to be posted - V'con Southwestern Corn Pudding and YRR Cajun 'fu.
Have fun feeling alive, people. Now shut up and let me watch the rest of The View (stop hatin'!).
Jillian Renee
Hope you feel better... those pancakes would do it for me! I need to try joanna's version of mac and cheese. i've hada a craving lately...
Those pancakes look incredible.
Feel better soon!
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